Friday, July 12, 2019

Since Mayo...

So when I left the Mayo Clinic two weeks ago, they had some “assignments” for me and doctors to follow up with here.

This past Wednesday I had kind of a big appointment with my endocrinologist. I say “big appointment” as many of the changes that were suggested would be made by this doctor. We went into the appointment ready to explain the cause, reasoning, and not take no for an answer! Well, she was very willing to try these changes, made a suggestion as to the best way to go about these changes/additions, and we started the process.  One thing we want to do is restart HGH (human growth hormone). The doctor was a little more hesitant about that, but agreed. However, because of insurance, it will be a good month or two before I start as prior approval is needed. So I am very anxious to see where all of these smaller changes lead us.

I was supposed to have an MRI today, to get a base line where things are at before we begin new medicine. However, we got to the doctor (after getting a confirmation call yesterday) only to find out that my insurance has not approved it yet. So prayers that approval will come quickly so we can start this!!

The psychiatrist I saw recommended an anti anxiety medicine; saying how my body could be reacting to all these things going on out of nervousness and uncertainty. So he suggested an anti anxiety medicine that may help my body relax on its own.

I have a s keep study scheduled the end of the month, July 23. I had tried to get that when in Rochester, was on a wait list checking several times a day. Well it is a God thing I didn’t get in. The sleep doctor here was saying how it is important to be tested in the area you typically sleep; with the same altitude, climate, etc. That made complete sense and I was so thankful it hadn’t worked out.

So we will see what happens after these tests...i’ll Keep you posted and thank you for continued thoughts and prayers!!  This roller coaster isn’t over yet...

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