Monday, June 17, 2019

Day 1 cont...

A couple more updates/prayer requests from the day...

I had MANY appointments today; from chest x-rays, to Echocardiograms, to heart monitor hook up, to sleep was wearing for both mom and I, but praying and believing it is not all in vein. We have several more appointments scheduled for tomorrow and are hoping to get a couple appointments (we will check first thing in the morning) that they could not schedule us for.
Prayer requests are first that we would get the appointments we need...this week! Then the second prayer request is that I was hooked up to a heart monitor for 24 hours, so as crazy as it sounds, we are praying I have a big episode during the time that I am hooked up to this thing...

We followed up with financial aid and found out that no assistance is given unless surgery is required, heaven for bid! However, we had to put another couple thousand continuing to pray and believe that it is not all for not!

More tomorrow when more is known. Thank you so much for prayers!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sending you lots of love from CDE!