Sunday, March 17, 2013


So, today in church, dad preached.  He hasn't preached a sermon since last June.  I was very anxious to hear him speak again!I love my dad's preaching!! 

The service all went really good. It started with a good Sunday school lesson.  In Sunday school we talked about the Holy Spirit and how it needs to be a daily action to ask the Holy Spirit to be with us, not just a one time thing.   Dad spoke on the presence of the Lord.  He said how there are different levels.  1. Omni-presence 2. manifest presence and 3. abiding presence.  It was really good and showed me where I need to increase in.  It was amazing to me how the Sunday school lesson and the sermon went together so good.  On top of the Sunday school lesson going with the sermon, the devotion that dad and I listened to this morning talked about the presence of the Lord...isn't God amazing, the way he works those things together?

So, I am really excited for Thursday!  My spring break is next week.  So, dad and I are flying to go home on Thursday.  We will be there for a 10 full days!  I will be missing two days of school, but that saves me $200.  So, it was definately worth it!  I will be pretty busy when I am there, which I like.  So it will be alot of fun!

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