Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weekend in Aiken

Saturday morning my Mom and I went to our favorite bagel shop and then went to Target to get my prescriptions.  My favorite pharmacist assistant was there and I was so happy to see her!  We went swimming when we got home and then got ready for a wedding in Augusta.  I was able to see several people and the wedding was I was told :)

Today I was able to go to my own church.  It was great!  I got to see a bunch of faces I haven't seen in a while, most of them didn't know I was coming so that was a fun surprise!  It was so good to see everyone.  I know I did not see everyone that I wanted to.  I thought my dad had a great sermon on "growing up" and the different stages that we all need to go through in our Christian walk.  It was very good.  Also how we need to be doers and not just hearers of the Word of God. 

A nurse from church looked at my knee and gave me some advice to keep it from getting infected.  She told me it would be painful :(  My Mom "worked" on it this afternoon and we will repeat the procedure for a couple days and then we'll see how it is and if we need to see the doctor before I go back.

Once we got home we had Groucho's for lunch.  It was my first time and it was sooo good!  Sarah got a job there and really likes it.  A little Sunday afternoon nap and then my mom and I went swimming.  Now I am about to go spend some time with my grandma.  I plan on beating her in a few games of dominoes!!  Wish me luck, she can be tough!

1 comment:

Pat Mares said...

Let grandma win a game or two! Don't be so HARD! It was truly wonderful to see you Friday eve. Have a great week at home.
Love, Aunt Pat