Monday, March 19, 2012

Good ol' Mondays

Well...Monday comes again!  The weekends always seem to go so fast.  I do wish they could be longer...

Today I ended up not having woodshop like I usually do.  We are going to start having our "Job Class" Monday morning when woodshop is.  :(  I talked to my teacher, Chris, and he said he would see if he could get me in another day.  During travel we went to a "McDonalds" that was further away in another city.  It was a little bit of an adventure, we (myself and a couple other students) got a little lost and cut it close to the next class.  I really wanted a shake at Mcdonalds, but they were cleaning their machine.  Steve, my travel teacher made us walk back by ourselves and went to Burger King and got me one!  Isn't that nice?

Tomorrow I have to present my powerpoint in front of everyone.  I am pretty nervous about it.  We will see how it goes.

I ended up not getting to the store this weekend, so I am going to go there after school.  I always like putting that off until the last minute!  It is definately not my favorite thing to do.

I hope you are all doing well.

1 comment:

Lori said...

So glad you made it through everything!
Congratulations on your graduation!! How exciting!

Aunt Lori