Saturday, September 10, 2011

The past few days...

I am sorry I haven't posted in a few days.  Hopefully you all haven't given up on me.  I feel like things are definately improving, although I have a ways to go before I "get there". 

In my four main classes; home homemanagement I feel like I can cook any kind of pasta, taco's, put things in the oven ralatively safely haha, travel I am not falling off of curbs like at all although I still am having trouble memorizing routes, please pray for my memory.  Technology, I have been working on these lessons that I just finished, now I am learning different key commands.  Last, braille, I am getting better with the slate and stylus, I definately would not call myself a pro yet.  I am learning a couple contractions, it is not easy.  Braille is not one of my favorite classes because of the level of difficulty that it brings.

We have also done a couple of fun things.  We have gone rock climbing a couple of times.  Not to brag or anything, but I was able to get to the top of the more difficult mountain.  I thought it was pretty cool thinking that these were real Colorado rockies mountains that I was climbing, not indoor fake rocks.  It was a fun and difficult actityy.  I also was able to "balay" someone. (don't know if that is how you spell it) which is where you are the one holding the ropes on the other end "helping" them up the mountain.  If they fall you have to catch them.  In a way their life is in your hands.  When they come back down it is totally different then when they go up.  It was really cook to experience. I would do it again though.  Once it gets cooler we are going to go skiing, I cannot wait for that!

I guess that is about it.  I hope all is well for all of you guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back online. We missed you and your stories. Your mother did a good job of keeping us up to date though.
We love you.
The Newtons