Sunday, July 3, 2011

Off to Orlando!

Saturday was a fun day.  It was the first day I actually slept in :)  I get up at 5 am every morning :(  After eating a late breakfast, we all went to Walmart for those who needed to pick up a few things before the trip tomorrow.  We had lunch at IHOP (which reminded me of Grandma Z. and Aiken...) and then some of us girls went to get our nails done.  I decided to have my fingernail done and it was so much fun!  I used to bite my nails and now that I don't, it was fun to do this.  We spent the afternoon packing and getting ready.  I am still having some issues with my internet connection to my computer and the IT guy from the school will be helping me tonight.  We have to be at the bus stop at 5 am tomorrow for the ride to the airport.  For those of you who don't know, the Denver airport iseast of the city and out quite a ways.  With all of us needing assistance, we are getting there in plenty of time for our 8 am departure.  I will not be bringing my computer so I will not post until next weekend when I return.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. It is cool keeping up with you and your activities. I was wondering where you are flying to.
We miss you Emily but are amazed at how well you are getting along.
Love you.
Patti Newton

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed the "Off to Orlando" title.
Patti Newton