Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekend visit

I traveled home with my parents and Sarah on Friday to be in South Carolina for a wedding.  It has been so nice being home.  I must say, even though it's only been two weeks, it seemed strange to drive places, instead of walking and taking public transportation!  It was also nice to have my Mom's cooking and sleeping in my own bed, even though I'm in a different room.  Yes, I barely had landed in Denver when Andrew moved into my old room...I was able to spend some time with my Grandma, which was very nice.  She doesn't hear the phone when I have tried to call her, so I hadn't even spoken to her since I left.  I most likely will not be back in Aiken until Christmas and that's a long time to not see her.  The wedding of Christy and Dan was so special.  I had a wonderful time meeting most of Mrs. Thomas's siblings - they are all so sweet.  It was nice to be at my church this morning and visit with my church family.  I think the router for the internet arrived so I should have wifi access now in my apartment.  My next post will hopefully be done by myself from my room!


Aunt Laura said...

Emily - You have had such a busy and full couple of weeks, traveling, school, social events. I found it very interesting that after only two weeks it seems strange for you to not navigate on your own via public transportation and walking - BRAVO!!! I think that is fantastic and what an achievement in such a short time. You mentioned the slate and stylus that you use for braille, I'm wondering what that is and how that works. I was also amazed to read that you are cleaning, cooking and doing laundry in such a short time! Is this typical for everyone? or are you just a fast learn!!!? By the way, how do you read/get the comments to your blog? So much that I take for granted in my life and need to learn about yours. As always, thank you for sharing, I send you much love, Aunt Laura

Mary Thomas said...

Thank you so much for coming to Christy and Dan's wedding. My family was thrilled to meet you - now they know that I didn't make you up - an amazing young lady like you really does exist. :-)